Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Miracle of Life

Babies- they are so sweet, pure and perfect, and until you are a mother (or father), I don't think that you can fully understand the miracle that they are. From a small explosion of cells to growing another human really is amazing that we women can do this- and it all happens where no-one can see.

Today my first nephew (on my side) was born. Beautiful Liam. I had forgotten in such a small space of time how little they are when they are born and the absolute perfection that they are. I am a very proud aunty!!!!

To top this wonderful day- a very good friend of mine confided to me that she is expecting as well. I am so happy for her and this wondrous adventure that she is about to embark brings back so many memories.

Babies- they are the future of the world, leaders of our tomorrows and innocence incarnate. Blessings on them everywhere.

Go well and tread lightly,


PS. This is a door plaque I made for Liam.

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